The passive: sentences that sound strange in Spanish

How would you say this in your language?

1 We were offered a discount.
2 Has she been told the news yet?
3 Unwanted gifts are received every Christmas.
4 The dog must be taken out for a walk twice a day.
5 You will be given more information tomorrow.
6 He has already been given the gift.
7 John shouldn't have been promised that salary increase.
8 English is spoken in many parts of the world.
9 A lot of money can be earned in this company.
10 It is said that new customers will be given free items.

How would you say this in English?

1 No se puede cultivar arroz en el desierto.
2 Se nos dijo que nos quedáramos en casa.
3 Se les prometió una casa nueva para el mes siguiente.
4 Nos han retirado el carné de conducir.
5 Me robaron la bici hace un mes.
6 Se han perdido miles de puestos de trabajo durante la crisis.
7 No nos están informando adecuadamente.
8 Generalmente se acepta que los clientes tienen razón.
9 Se supone que debemos hacer todo lo que nos dicen.
10 No se conoce quién estuvo en la casa antes del robo.


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